Senin, 17 Mei 2010

David Cameron becomes hero of Papuan tribes

Telegraph News, David Cameron’s elevation to Prime Minister is being celebrated by tribespeople in West Papua who have pinned their hopes on him helping their campaign for independence from Indonesia.

Posters of the Conservative leader have been held aloft in villages across the province following news of his arrival in Downing Street in the wake of the coalition agreement.

Mr Cameron has been feted by many of the one million indigenous inhabitants of West Papua after a meeting last year with their exiled leader Benny Wenda, who was granted asylum by Britain in 2003.

The province covers the western part of the island of New Guinea, with the eastern half being Papua New Guinea.

Following independence from Dutch colonial rule in the 1950s, it was handed over to the UN but was formally annexed by Indonesia following a 1969 referendum whose legitimacy was subsequently marred by allegations of coercion.

The Free Papua Movement, whose campaign for self-determination is supported by most of the indigenous population, is outlawed in Indonesia.

Mr Wenda fled to Britain after escaping jail in Indonesia where he was being held, accused of raising the Free Papua flag, which is banned, and of causing of civil unrest.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph earlier this year, Mr Cameron described the plight of the tribespeople as “a terrible situation”.

Dominic Brown, an independent filmmaker whose documentary about West Papua, The Forgotten Bird of Paradise, has been seen by Mr Cameron, said pictures of tribespeople holding messages of support were taken at the weekend by activists spreading the word about Britain’s new Prime Minister.

He said: “They are all very happy. It gives them great hope that their voice may finally be heard at international level.”

“Last year the International Committee of the Red Cross was thrown out by the Indonesian Government and hasn’t been able to return since.

"Cameron is the only western leader to have expressed any real interest in their campaign and they have really pinned their hopes on him being able to do something about the situation."

Among those pictured are political prisoners Buchtar Tabuni and Victor Yiemo who were jailed by the government after taking part in a demonstration.

Mr Wenda, 35, and his wife Maria perform traditional West Papuan music as The Lani Singers.

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

My People are slave by Indonesia military in West Papua

Mr Wenda says today very important day for 6o years of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nationals adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of the Human Right. I am here today celebration this important day to celebrate because of this The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But In West Papuan my People are not free to celebrate this very important day because my people are surrounding by Indonesia Military.

Indonesia Military never respect the Human Right Declaration on December 10, 1948.
For instant article 20 (1) everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
In West Papua we don’t have any freedom to Demonstrate, freedom to Assembly and freedom to express our Political View.

My People are slave by Indonesia military, Imprisonment ,Killing , Ripe torture Example Buchtar Tabuni, Pilep and Yusak Pakage 10 to 15 years in the Prison.

Many other prisoner in Manokwary, Fak-fak, Timika, Wamena,Biak,Nabire and Jayapura.
When we look Carefully the Article 4 and 5 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

But in West Papua very difrent situation So the truth is the Indonesia military committed Crime Humanity In West Papua.

Before to late for West Papua People wipe out by Indonesia Military. I need your help to Free for My People.

See more picture : Freewestpapua

SEBLOM SAMBOM WAS ARRESTED By Indonesia Police intelligent

SENTANI [KPNews]Following the arrest of Buchtar Tabuni, now Seblom Sambom (30 years old) has been arrested by Indonesian Police – Papua Region on Wdnesday (17/12) at 11:30 West Papua in Dortheys Hiyo Eluay Memorial Park. KPNews trusted sources were in the location where Seblom Sambom (Sebby) was arrested. According to these sources the arrest of Sebby was quick. The Indonesian police arrived at Theys Eluay’s memorial park (where the students had an exodus camp) at 11.30 and immediately arrested Sebby. There was not any explanation or question or any letter of arrest shown to Sebby before the police arrested him.

Sebby and his friends protested the police but the police ignored their protest and immediately took Sebby to the police headquarter for arrest and questioning.

According to one police officer, Sebby was arrested in connection with Buchtar Tabuni’s case.

The situation at the Exodus camp in Theys Eluay Memorial park was still frightening. Some of Sebby’s friends were gathering there and began to have press conference with local, national and international media.

We ask for pray and support from all the people of West Papua and human rights defenders worldwide. (ktk)

Photo: Sebby clarified himself when questioned about his involvement in the bloody Abepura incident. Source: MetroTv

See More Picture

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Bush dilempar sepatu di Irak

Kunjungan mendadak oleh Presiden Amerika George W Bush ke Irak dibayangi oleh sebuah insiden dimana Bush dilempar dua sepatu dalam acara jumpa pers.
Seorang wartawan Irak diamankan oleh para pengawal setelah dia memanggil Bush "seekor anjing" dan melempar sepatunya, namun tidak mengenai presiden.

Sol sepatu dianggap sebagai hinaan terburuk dalam budaya Arab.

Selama perjalanan itu, Bush dan Perdana Menteri Irak Nouri Maliki menanda tangani kesepakatan keamanan baru antara kedua negara.

Pakta itu menyebutkan bahwa pasukan Amerika akan meninggalkan Irak tahun 2011, delapan tahun setelah penyerbuan tahun 2003 yang menjadi bagian menentukan bagi jabatan kepresidenan Bush.

Berbicara lima minggu sebelum Presiden Bush menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada Barack Obama, Bush juga mengatakan perang di Irak belum berakhir dan masih banyak tugas yang harus dilakukan.

Lawatannya yang tidak diumumkan itu dilakukan sehari setelah Menteri Pertahanan Amerika Robert Gates mengatakan kepada pasukan Amerika bahwa misi Irak berada dalam "tahap akhir".

"Ukuran nomor 10"

Ditengah jumpa pers bersama PM Maliki, seorang wartawan berdiri dan berteriak, "ini tanda perpisahan dari rakyat Irak, anjing," dan kemudian melempar sepasang sepatunya ke arah Presiden Bush, lemparan itu sedikit meleset.

"Yang bisa saya katakan adalah, sepatu itu nomor 10," canda Presiden Bush setelah insiden, seperti dilaporkan kantor berita Associated Press.

Pelempar sepatu kemudian dibawa pergi oleh para pengawal dan jumpa pers dilanjutkan.

Para wartawan menyebut insiden itu sebagai insiden simbolik.

Rakyat Irak lazim melempar sepatu dan sejumlah orang menggunakan sepatu untuk memukuli patung Saddam Hussein di Baghdad setelah dia digulingkan.

'Keamanan Amerika'

Tempat pertama yang dikunjungi Bush setelah tiba di Irak adalah istana presiden di Zona Hijau yang dijaga ketat, dimana dia mengadakan pertemuan dengan Presiden Jalal Talabani.

"Pekerjaan tidak mudah namun perlu demi keamanan Amerika, harapan Irak dan keamanan dunia," kata Bush dalam pembicaraannya dengan Presiden Talabani.

Presiden Irak menyebut Bush "kawan baik bagi rakyat Irak, yang membantu kami membebaskan negara kami."

Wartawan BBC Humphrey Hawksley di Bagdad mengataka, masalah penting saat ini adalah bagaimana tepatnya pasukan Amerika akan ditarik dalam tiga tahun kedepan dan negara Irak seperti apa yang akan mereka tinggalkan.

Media massa Amerika menerbitkan rincian laporan pemerintah Amerika yang mengatakan proses pembangunan kembali pasca penyerbuan Irak dilumpuhkan oleh perang birokratik dan ketidakpedulian terhadap elemen mendasar masyarakat Irak.


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